Caffe Italiano- Chapter 3

Malika Renalwe 

I stared into my mirror and slowly felt anxiousness grow. At Laeya’s demand, I dressed in a black skin-tight jumpsuit and matching heels.

I wanted to stay home and watch “Scandal.” Instead, Laeya made plans for the two of us to go to Pokyno’s, a warm nightclub in Staten Island. “Ready to get wasted, chica?” Laeya asked as she walked out the restroom adjusting her earrings.

I stayed silent as I teased my curls one last time. Laeya looked at our reflections as if she sensed the anxiety I felt. “ Don’t worry, hun. You need this night out as much as I do. And besides, I don’t know what could be better for us tonight; you and I get free drinks or finding some wealthy handsome gentlemen to spend our night with.” She said gently squeezing my shoulders as I snort at her barely as we both finish our makeup early then heading out Laeya’s car.

After a short car ride, we arrived at a loud and quite packed Pokyno’s; lucky for us Laeya had reservations for us. We entered the club taking in all the bodies dancing to “Please Me” by Bruno Mars and Cardi B as it echoed throughout the darkened room. “What do you think about it so far?” Laeya yelled over Bruno’s chorus. I sat down in one of the bar chairs and shouted back “ Not bad, it looks nice”.

Laeya took a seat next to me as a barman approached us. “What can I get you, two ladies?” The barman asked, looking at Laeya with lust swimming in his eyes. “Two Old Fashioned on the rocks,” she said as he nodded and made his way to the bar.

“You’re drinking both of those?” I asked quite alarmed. Laeya laughed as the barman came back giving us the drinks. “No tonta (silly). One for me and one for you” She giggled before taking a quick swig. I didn’t reply back as I stared down at the darkened liquid inside the condensing glass.

“I’m sorry if you don’t want to drink it? I should’ve asked” Laeya apologized as her hand went out for my glass, but I stopped her. “No, it’s fine.” I took a sip, welcoming the burning sensation of bourbon down my throat until I emptied the glass completely. “Well then...Bartender, bring on the bourbon and wheel in the whiskey!” Laeya cracked.

Laeya and I had fun drinking and partied the night away. The more the Old Fashions and margarita’s we drank, the better the night got. After a while, I felt the alcohol take effect, so I decided that it was best to go home. “Gyal (girl) I’m heading on out. I’ll see you Monday,” I said to Laeya, who appeared tipsy. “All right chica (girl). Have a safe ride back,” Laeya said, her words were slightly slurred. I called a taxi.

“Right here is fine,” I said when the taxi got a few blocks from my apartment. “Are you sure miss? Your destination is only two minutes away?” The driver said. “No, it’s okay. I can walk the rest of the way,” I gave the driver a generous fifty dollar tip before closing the door behind me.

Malika took her time walking down the pavement to her apartment. When she turned the corner she saw a small group of men in a circle.
“Per favore, non farlo! Pieta!” (Please don’t do this! Have mercy!)

Robert Carcueso 

Robert looked at Andre and circled around the man pistol in hand. “You know how I am Lorenzo, and yet you still betrayed me. Not a wise choice there.” Robert said with a taunting smile. “No, per favore! Pieta!” (No please, Have mercy!)the traitor, Lorenzo, shouted. His tears mixed with the blood-stained asphalt.
Lorenzo looked at the circle of his former colleagues closed in on him. He knew his omen as Robert placed the pistol to his forehead.
“Your last breath is enough mercy for me,” Robert said as he squeezed the trigger letting the bullet seal Lorenzo’s fate.
A female voice screamed, and all the men turned around except Robert. Robert didn’t have a chance to look at the woman as she ran for her life. Robert, Without hesitation, he said “Farla” (get her) and casually walked away from the crime scene.
Never had Malika been so scared like this in her life. She discarded her heels and took off as if she was chasing a Jamaican food truck. Just as she thought she outran the men, three more men in black came from the sides. “No!” Malika screamed as they bound her arms and blindfolded her making sure that she arrives at the Carcueso estate.
Robert had taken the elevator down to the very bottom of the Carcueso estate. Going further down to the private cellar. He changed out of his bloodstained clothes from Lorenzo and made sure to dapper up for his new victim. “She was out for an hour. She’s awake now capo (boss)” Andre said setting different weapons of choice in front of Robert. 
“Tenerla in posizione”( keep her in position) Robert says as his hand greets his 9mm handgun and made his way to the woman. Andre had placed Malika up on her knees with a black-clothed bag over her head. Malika started crying from the bag. She could hear both men speaking but couldn't understand them. 
Her thoughts of survival began to turn into thoughts of panic. Why was she going to die? Why hasn’t lived her life yet? How will her mother be without her only child?

Robert had the gun to her forehead ready to finish the job, but this time it was different. Robert removed the black bag and automatically recognized her. The same waitress he was captivated by from Vinny’s. He furrowed his eyebrows heavenly gazing at her panicked state.
The situation was very conflicting. Malika was the first person to even look Robert in the eyes while Andre looked at the ground in guilt.
Robert held onto the gun firmly taking it off safety making Malika cry even more as she felt the cold object against her forehead. 
While staring back into the darkish brown eyes he will never escape, Robert knew he couldn’t do it. He averted his gaze from his foreign beauty and pulled the trigger. 
Malika fell to her side. 
Robert looked to only find that the bullet went into the flood and Malika passed out from shock. Andre stared at the limp girl and the bullet hole.
“Pulire” (Clean it up) Robert said putting his gun down and walked away. 


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